This morning was a little interesting. David's alarm went off at TWO thirty. 2:30. Why he felt like we needed to get up that early, I'll never know. He did not, however, get up at that hour. I rolled over, listened to the thunder and smugly thought, "MY alarm goes off in another hour. I'll get up then." I was then rudely awakened at 3:50 by David telling me we needed to get up. I had indeed set my alarm, however, I had failed to actually turn it on. Whoops. We got up, bustled around (ha!) and left the house around 4:30 or so. We then drove through a DELUGE that you would not believe. It was raining SO hard. We got to Rege and Barb's, rearranged our seating plan and headed off to the airport. We checked in with plenty of time to spare, our flight left a little bit late and we got here about 20 minutes early. Nice. We found a Dunkin' Donuts, checked our email and we were good to go.
Our clothes are all shoved into 1 suitcase. I think David brought more clothes than me. I also realized I forgot my BATHING SUIT! Argh! I'm either going to buy one in China or wear a tank top and shorts in the pool. That will certainly cement anyone's opinion of Klassy Americans. My carryon bag weighs a TON. I do not know why it is so heavy but it's killing me already. Maybe it's the magazines and pajama pants.
I have some lovely pictures for you to enjoy now.

Louie says, "I'm SO glad we get to stay here alone! Look at all this food!" Just kidding. People are coming to check on the kitties.

At the airport, early early. I look really cool with my newspaper, other junk and travel guide. That sort of screams TOURIST. Oh well.


David took this for the NYC skyline but our plane is in that picture too.
They are calling people up to check in so I guess I should close. Oh yeah! The XC moms gave me a silver beaded bracelet with Maggie's name on it! I love it. David remembered to give it to me at 4:00 this morning. Next time I post, we'll be in Beijing!!!!!!!!!!