Oh well. At least it held the diaper bag which is rather sweat inducing itself. And at least Maggie had on a cute hat. And yes, I put sunscreen on her. So we pushed our little stroller around and carried Maggie who was not too interested in the animals. Here is the most exotic animal we saw.

I'm not really sure what that was doing there. I was afraid it was a snack for a tiger or something but it wasn't in a tiger pen. Somebody said, "Is that the pandas?" I was like, "No, but you will be impressed when you come up here and look at what IS in here." There was a big retaining wall so it wasn't some dummy that didn't know what a panda looks like.
Then we had to take a little break because of the HEAT. I'm sure our guide who is from Guangzhou thinks we are all a bunch of wusses. We went to this little snack shop and got drinks and I had some yummy ice cream. Maggie can sort of drink out of a water bottle so I let her have a few sips.

This of course, resulted in water. EVERYWHERE. Which resulted in an outfit change. Which resulted in much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Or gums, I guess.

Then Amy told us we'd better step on it because we needed to see the panda and it looked like it was going to rain. We passed a bamboo forest so David and Maggie pretended like they were in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." I *think* she might even be smiling a teensy bit in that picture.

And on we pressed. And then the sky started lowering and darkening and Amy said we could sit under umbrellas while it rained. Then it didn't rain and we noticed the gigantic red elephant so a bunch of us went to check it out. Then suddenly, our entire group disappeared except for one other family and we had NO idea where they had gone! So we went back to the entrance to see if they would show up there except they didn't and then it started to rain. I have never heard thunder like that in my LIFE. It was the loudest thunder in the world. Maggie was terrified.

Not. She slept through the entire thing. Then when it finally started to let up, Dan and Eric went to the other entrance to see if the group was there. They were, indeed, but had apparently not found a good place to hide out like we did because they all looked kind of wet. We were supposed to go to Pizza Hut but we ran out of time so we just went back to the hotel. David was starting to not feel very well so we ran to McD's to get me lunch. Instead of fried apple pies, they have green bean pies! BLECH. I did not get one of those. Maggie was hollering by the time we got back to the room, so I packed her up and Brooke and Emma went shopping with us. Oh wait. I forgot. There was still no pooping going on so I went and got a suppository from Amy. Um, EW. That is some nasty stuff. Actually, I must admit that Maggie was on the verge and I was totally cheering her on! How lame.
Then we left to go shopping. I put Maggie in the Hip Hamomock since she would not have anything to do with the stroller and I knew I could not carry her all that way. First we walked down the street to the Dong Fang shops which had lots of cute Chinese outfits and squeaky shoes but I did not feel like getting anything there. The salespeople are extremely nice here but are also very helpful. I don't want to say pushy because they are never rude but they REALLY want to help you find just the right thing. Or maybe they just want to make a sale and I'm dumb. Then we went walking down the street and around the block. The block that our hotel is on is HUGE. We walked through this totally residential area and I wished that I had a camera. It was amazing. There were little shops and teeny 1 room restaurants. There were so many apartments all with laundry hanging on their balconies. There were people everywhere. I wish I could read Chinese. It was so cool. But also extremely hot because remember, the heat. I felt like I got to see a little piece of real China today. Then we went back to the hotel so we could get a cab and go to the Friendship Store again. We needed some more baby food and I needed to get a couple more long pants for Maggie. We got the concierge to write where we wanted to go on a little card and we headed off. Man, we thought we were hot stuff. Everyone says the cab rides are crazy in China but it seemed okay to me. Maybe Brooke and I were talking too much. Maggie drank most of a bottle in the cab because she must be in the middle of 500 things going on to do anything. We went up to the top floor to get some baby stuff and then went to the 5th floor to get water, sodas and baby food. We also needed some more toothpaste because we did not pack wisely. I got some green Colgate because green means mint, right? Apparently here it means leaf flavored or something. Then we packed the stroller full of our purchases and went to get a cab back. No sweat. We are seasoned travelers with our babies and 10 ton bags of water bottles.
When we got back to the hotel, Maggie and I were both drenched in sweat so I decided I would bathe her before I changed her clothes. Well, I laid her on the toilet lid to take her diaper off and as soon as I did, she started peeing! Argh! She aimed right for the bathmat though. Good girl. Then I put Maggie in the tub which she was NOT happy about. AT ALL. She SCREAMED. Then she got some water in her mouth and started choking and about broke my eardrum she was yelling so loud. Then I noticed it. She had pooped in the bathwater. UGH. I about died. Then I got her up and put a diaper on her and David took her. She pooped again! WOO HOO. I am so glad. Then she and David left to go cruise the lobby where she apparently fell asleep for an hour. Well, I suppose we should think about dinner now.

I made Maggie walk today. Which she can do with help but of course, with the wailing and gnashing of gums. Always.
Sounds like you're becoming an expert at navigating China. . . and the heat! So glad she's found relief! My fave is the pic of Maggie standing up in your lap as you're attempting to change her. There's just something about those cute baby knees!:) Jane
I am laughing like crazy! Leaf toothpaste, poop in the bath- hilarious! I miss you! I think that because I know I can't talk to you I've thought of a million reasons to call! Give Maggie a kiss and Dave a hello from me.
This is TOO funny. The poop in the bath! And the leaf toothpaste! And all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What on earth is Maggie going to do in the quiet of Monroe? You're going to have to play CDs of traffic and have David drive the car back and forth in front of the house for her to eat and sleep.
Love the hat and the extremely happy face under the hat(ha!) I hope you print all of these out for Maggie...too funny! Paul and I have made a note to be sure and check out the cat at the zoo when we go!
Now you've learned the true purpose of strollers - they carry the 'stuff' while you carry the baby (child, toddler etc)! I'm sorry it's so hot for all of you - I know it makes me melt, too! I haven't heard any more about the park across from the hotel. Is that a location for fun for the babies? I checked the pictures - Maggie IS smiling when playing tiger! She is so cute and lovable. We're anxious to see her. You'll really enjoy this blog when you get home. Uncle Ed says "Allison writes just like she talks!"
I'm loving your blog, laughing my head off! Thanks for sharing about your trip! I can't wait to go back!
Eileen, fellow AWAA family
Adopting #2
Michele and I just cruised the pictures and did some more squealing over the absolute cuteness of Maggie. I think Maggie is definitely smiling in the Crouching Tiger picture... and Dave-o is TOTALLY grinning. And just think, you survived sweatiness, the poop in the bath and being peed on-- you are such a mom!! You need to turn this blog into a book when you get home. It is that funny.
:) Kimberly
Michael and I enjoy reading every night. He will then look at me and ask if I am crying. I love seeing the pictures of Maggie change each day. You can tell she is becoming part of you everyday. So what if she wants to be held all day. She fits those arms quite nicely. I cannot wait to get to see her. You know she feels better after she started with the poops.
Becky and Michael D
Allison (and David),
I am loving your blog!! We are also with AWAA and are living vicariously through your trip. Thank you so much for sharing all the laughs~ You two are hysterical!
Elyse Wade
So, Maggie will read this when she is 14 and be SO TOTALLY MORTIFIED that you talked about her dropping anchor in the porcelin sea, like, OH MY GOD. David, promise me you will read this blog to all the girls at her first sleep over.
Hello Allison, where are the updates?? We missed you today!! We want more pictures as well. I hope you all are having fun.
love, Pam
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