When we got inside the clinic, it was organized chaos. Lots of crying babies. We got to see the other half of our group who are staying at a different hotel and we haven't seen some of them since we got off the plane in Beijing! That includes the woman from Weddington who I met up with before we even left for China. Her little boy, Josiah, is so cute! I was glad I got a chance to see him. There were signs all over the waiting room that said "Keep Quiet." haha. We got some paperwork and formed lines at 3 stations--height and weight, ear, heart and throat and general check up. Maggie was very good through almost the entire visit and didn't really get upset until the "take the clothes off the baby and check her out" part. Because, you know, that involves both lying down AND taking clothes off. She weighed 7.6 kg so about 16.75 pounds. I can't believe how small she is. Her 9 and 12 month bottoms are way too big. 6-9 month tops seem to fit her the best and 3-6 month pants and shorts! I held Kylie, one of the other Lianjiang babies yesterday, and she weighs about 19 or 20 pounds. QUITE a difference! Then we headed to the ear and throat part. They squeaked a toy on either side of Maggie's head to see if she looked in that direction, which she did and stuck a tongue depressor in her mouth to look at her throat. I don't know how they saw anything! They also listened to her heart there.

Then on to the last dreaded station. The doctor undid her clothes, looked over her chest, opened up her diaper and then did her back up. Some yelling ensued here. She also asked if Maggie could stand so I held her up on the table but she was not having any of that.

When we got back to the room, Maggie and I were tired so I laid down on the bed with her and we both fell asleep. I don't think there is anything sweeter than your baby sleeping on your chest. She is a bit like a little oven though. We had a GOOD nap. I think we slept for about 1 1/2 hours.

We ordered Danny's Bagels for dinner and finally got Maggie to sleep. She was SO tired but did not want to go to bed. David got her to sleep and when he put her in the crib, she would cry for a second and then fall asleep and then wake up and cry and then fall asleep again. Very cute. We managed to watch 1/2 an episode of Buffy before we both fell asleep too. Wimps.
Maggie awakened at her usual 4:30 with crying out but then fell asleep again, as usual. We think she must have gotten fed at that time in the orphanage. I got up and read my email and then decided about 6 to go back to sleep. Today our plans are to visit the Sun Yat-Sen museum and to go to a nearby park. We are on our own today because Amy and Lineker have to take the non-Guangdong families' paperwork to the consulate. Their swearing in is tomorrow and then they leave on Thursday. Guangdong just passed some law requiring us to stay longer so that's why we come home 3 days later.
We have finally begun to hear Maggie's laugh. It sounds kind of like a little quack. It's hilarious. She smiles when she sees us now.
She woke up in a good mood AGAIN!

Super flexible.

Watching Monday Night Football but here it's Tuesday Morning Football. Maggie fell asleep. Also, there is apparently not a Chinese word for "holding."

Checking out the cutie in the mirror.

The shot of you sleeping with her is PRICELESS. How sweet!!
Maggie is absolutely beautiful! You all look so happy and content! I am so happy for you guys and I cannot wait to meet Maggie!
Michele Kuxhausen
I just found your site through Karen's comments. Maggie is adorable, and you and your husband look tired but oh so happy (like I have anything to base that on!) Congratulations!
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