Last night, Maggie was kind of fussy and cranky (I can't imagine why) and we never did get her to take a bottle. I think it was way too hot. Bad parents. I put the CD of Chinese lullabies in and she started to relax. I rocked her for a long time and then I had to leave to do paperwork. David took her and got her to sleep! Yay, Daddy! I had to come back to get our dossier but she didn't wake up. Grandma and Grandpa C. sent her flowers (They're beautiful, thank you so much!), so when they were delivered and when room service was delivered, she woke up for a bit. She slept the whole night through--about 11 hours. She cried out a couple of times in the night but never woke up. David and I were awake for a LONG time in the night. I was up from 2-5 and then I fell back asleep. Maggie woke up about 6:30 and she didn't seem too alarmed when she saw us looking at her. I changed her diaper--she does not like that and then fed her a bottle expertly made by Daddy! I fed her with her pajamas all hanging open and her feet not in them--redneck baby--and she sucked it down. Or maybe redneck mommy. We decided to give her a quick bath which she did okay with. I got her face wet by accident and she cried but just for a minute. She mostly just looked at me and the water. And of course, David's hankie went with her into the tub. Then she got dressed in a very cute outfit, courtesy of her cousin Elizabeth, and we headed down to breakfast. She was SO good. She even sat in the high chair and she tends to fuss if one of us is not holding her. She looked around and ate a teeny bit of banana and watermelon. She has obviously never had solid food because she pushes it out with her tongue. We had to stick the food back in her mouth a couple of times. She also had some vanilla yogurt which she REALLY liked. I did too. I ate what was left of hers. She has some chest crud going on. She isn't stopped up and she can breathe through her mouth but there's kind of a rattle in her chest. I gave her half a dose of Dimetapp and she is wiped out on David's chest. She kind of looked like she was tripping in the restaurant earlier. She also made her first trip to Starbucks!
Today we go back to the Civil Affairs office to make the adoption final in the eyes of the Chinese government. One of the papers we had to fill out last night was for the "Harmonious Period" which means that we are her foster parents untl the adoption is final today. We had to promise not to let her get lost, among other things. Hee. Then we are going to the grocery store to get supplies. She has been wearing size 2 diapers that I brought and the 9 month size dress that she has on today is a little big. I looked at the dress she had on yesterday (yes, we got to keep it) and it is 3-6 months. I'm really glad we went back and bought some smaller clothes. I don't know what else is on the agenda today. Guangzhou is beautiful. There is a HUGE park across the street from the hotel so perhaps we will go over there and walk around. David discovered a map in the closet of a running route. I think Maggie and I will be skipping the morning jog. There is also a lot of high end shopping in the hotel. The hotel is extremely nice, like I said before, and VERY large.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I really got on here to add some pictures because I know that's what you really want! :)

What A CUTE BABY! Congrats to you and David! Paul and I have been following your trip! Can't wait to see you and meet Maggie!
How about my cousins, they have managed not to loose Maggie during the harmonious period. I am so proud of you guys. She is gorgeous, sleeping beauty!!!
It is so cute (and kind of nasty at the same time) that she has chosen to become attached to a hankie! Keep the pictures coming--I feel like I'm there with you guys! You all look so happy and I am so happy for you!
I am lovin all the pictures!! It's a good thing I am only working a half day tomorrow so I can continue to check obsessively for updates. Maggie's sad face is hilarious and adorable. If you'd known all she needed was David's hankie you could have packed about 40 lbs lighter! Louie sends his love.
She is too cute! I do love all of the pictures. I can't wait for her to hear all of the Mandarin that we learned this summer at the Little Acorn. I'm sure Cousy will be proud of my skill as well.
I *love* the little sad face. You must want to eat her up!
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